that guy you knows site

this is class work and stuff, yo

satire project

Westboro Baptist church

Interview of an anonymous spokesman and a WBC attendee

AP representative
Paul Richardson

Westboro Baptist church; known for its radical Christian protests against homosexuality and pretty much everything else under the sun, has gained much media attention lately. However that’s not all the attention they are receiving. A group of computer hackers known as anonymous has abased their organization and decimated their websites and personal information.

Today I had a chance to talk with a Miss Shirley Phelps and an anon.  What follows is the conversation between the three of us.

Paul: So Miss Phelps you are here because of the anony-
Shirley: You must be a Jew.
Paul: Um, excuse me?
Shirley: Yeah you’re going to go to hell.
Anon: this is why we hate them

Only minutes into the conversation, the anonymous showed their real colors, as did the WBC rep.

Anon: your all legalfags and you’re doing this for money, amirite?
Shirley: no, no, no, no, no, see we are just trying to spread the word of god. He says you’re going to hell
Anon: so I’m going to hell?
Shirley: to hell, hon. you and the Jew here are going to hell.
Paul: um ok.

After a riveting bout between the anon rep and Shirley, we touched on a more sensitive area for the WBC rep. and she responded with beautifully orchestrated rhetoric.

Paul: so Miss Shirley, I have been led to understand that you and the organization you represent have been criticized for your protests against honoring deceased military personnel.
Shirley: yes god is happy that these soldiers are dying because they are supporting fags.
Anon: maybe you and your butthurt organization could be a little bit more compassionate for the families of those deceased.
Shirley: no you see because the Holy Scripture says everyone who is a fag goes to hell. And they support fags so they go to hell.
Anon: however they support your rights as an individual and let you practice your crazy viewpoints.
Shirley: I don’t need their protection because god will come down and smite anyone who comes in our way, hell smite you and the Jew over there too.
Paul: I’m not Jewish.
Anon: so you’re saying that your god is going to come down here and individually smite anyone present?
Shirley: no I’m saying when he feels like smiting you, he will.
Anon: that doesn’t make much sense.
Paul: yes I thin-
Paul: Miss shi-
Anon: uggghh…

As the argument heated up, the fortified positions held by both sides where shaken to the core as intellectual remarks were flung back and forth, criticizing both hard points and weaknesses of the organizations.

Anon: she’s been doing this for about five minutes.
Paul: I know…


Paul: Miss Shirley? Hello? What happened?
Anon: oh I cut her feed.
Paul: you can do that?
Anon: yeah.
Paul: so what do you think of her and her organization?
Anon: oh I think they should all just stop being so closed minded, and that they need to open the door in their heart. Get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur.

Paul: what?

After the conflicting sides maturely ended their argument, they went their separate ways, leaving a lot of questions unanswered. Being the amazing journalist I am I sought to have these questions answered. When I approached Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist church, he commented “get outa here you Satan loving Jew.” He then attempted to beat me to death with a cross.

Paul Richardson ex associated press representative

AIGHT so this here is the original interview for my satire proj

the original video for the interview between shirley and the anon is below

oh yeah, look at how supah kool that picture is. you wish you had a batman fighting a shark picture. but you dont.

well unless of course you just save it to your image folder.

shut up technology

Prometheus comic

yeah i made this entire thing, i edited each of these pictures and i like how it turned out. however i will be doing better on future projects.

yeah i kinda skimped on the darn things story and background a bit because it was 2:00am and i wanted to get at least an hours sleep.
i substituted the Greek gods for crew upon the last vessels from earth. i thought that tech of that scale is kind of similar to the power of the gods.
for the characters i made them using CCP's creator and then i edited them on my own in gimp. i think they turned out nice.
but if you are slightly confused or want a more detailed explanation of what happened her it goes.

OK so Prometheus starts out telling you ,his clones, about what has happened to earth and why you are here. in the second panel it shows the dying earth and i hope it looks  pretty bad, if not just think of all the homeless on it. ok but the people are arguing over resources that they have so blindly used in their conquest of the planet. then when they run out they start to fight, mostly on a small ground scale, but they soon move up to conventional nuclear warheads.
at this time i thought i might as well implement the fabled doomsday device from the 1960s into the story, and well in panel 6 the planet is being sucked into a black hole at its center.( i got the planet pic from star trek) well the few remaining survivors try to escape but many are pulled by massive gravitational fields into the black hole. however like it clearly states some escape and follow cronos to gaia. that is where they hope to begin again. but Zeus being the guy he is, decides he wants to rule and shoots his pa into the void of space. i related space to tartaurus because it sucks there. ok so after they arrive at gaia Prometheus sets off on his own and takes a cloning facility with him. there he begins work on the future human race( most of which where killed in the destruction of earth) when he is complete with the clones, he sets up defenses and is to declare his war with Zeus. that however doesn't happen in this story and i know it isn't quite accurate on how the sides work, but i thought of Prometheus as a loving father and portrayed him as such.

news article related to Pandora's box, it has dead people mentioned.

so some mailman guy finds a body in  a plastic bag, a couple meters from the road\.
how stupid do you have to be. that is no way to dispose of a body.

linked here

here is my poem of Pygmalion  



Shapes the fires of lust,

Breaks the white bonds on beauty.

His inspiration is from his mind,

And nowhere else

None have matched the beauty he renders,

And none ever shall.

His sorrow pierces the skies above,

And captures the god of love

She acknowledges his pain,

She helps him gain

What he’s dreaming of

On his steeps he slouches,

Driving off suitor after suitor

Yet none fill his desire

As he turns away,

His prize breathes the breath of life.

No longer shall he lie in await for the perfect maiden,

For the gods have delivered.

here's my favorite poem from that poet we where supposed to post a favorite poem that the poet posted a poem  about

A Song on the End of the World by Czeslaw Milosz

Czeslaw Milosz

On the day the world ends
A bee circles a clover,
A fisherman mends a glimmering net.
Happy porpoises jump in the sea,
 By the rainspout young sparrows are playing
And the snake is gold-skinned as it should always be.

On the day the world ends
Women walk through the fields under their umbrellas,
A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn,
Vegetable peddlers shout in the street
And a yellow-sailed boat comes nearer the island,
The voice of a violin lasts in the air And leads into a starry night.

And those who expected lightning and thunder
Are disappointed.
And those who expected signs and archangels’ trumps
Do not believe it is happening now.
As long as the sun and the moon are above,
As long as the bumblebee visits a rose,
As long as rosy infants are born
No one believes it is happening now.

Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet
Yet is not a prophet, for he’s much too busy,
Repeats while he binds his tomatoes:
There will be no other end of the world,
There will be no other end of the world.

Warsaw, 1944

and for every thing not accounted for, there is this duck.

                   Stupid duck, what are you doing..  you do not belong on that wall,you are a duck.